
I rischi della laparoscopia, ecco cosa sapere

La laparoscopia è una tecnica chirurgico-diagnostica minivasiva inventata dal chirurgo Philippe Mouret nel 1987. Si effettua a livello addominale praticando dei micro-tagli invece di una incisione con apertura dell'addome (laparotomia), attraverso i quali si introduce il laparoscopio, un tubicino in fibre ottiche che consente di visualizzare lo stato degli organi su cui si dovrà operare. [...]

Corso di chirurgia laparoscopica

Nel lontano 1991 Mario Trignano con la sua équipe ha eseguito la prima asportazione della colecisti con tecnica laparoscopica in Sardegna, soltanto 4 anni dopo il chirurgo francese Philippe Mouret. Negli anni successivi altri tipi di interventi sono stati eseguiti dall’équipe del Professor Trignano - quali plastiche gastroesofagee anti reflusso e neoplasie del colon retto [...]

Phẫu thuật nội soi Việt Nam tiếp cận đỉnh cao thế giới

Xuất hiện từ những năm đầu của thế kỷ 20, nhưng vì điều kiện khoa học kỹ thuật lúc đó chưa thể đáp ứng nên phải đến hơn 80 năm sau phẫu thuật nội soi mới thực sự phát triển sau khi nhà khoa học người Pháp là Philippe Mouret áp dụng phương pháp phẫu [...]

A Brief History of Endoscopy, Laparoscopy, and Laparoscopic Surgery

Despite these technological advances, it was not until after 1986, following the development of a video computer chip that allowed the magnification and projection of images onto television screens, that the techniques of laparoscopic surgery truly became integrated into the discipline of general surgery. The first laparoscopic cholecystectomy performed on a human patient was done [...]

La coelioscopie : une révolution chirurgicale

En 1987, Philippe Mouret, chirurgien lyonnais, réalise la première ablation de la vésicule biliaire par coelioscopie. Dès lors, la coelio-chirurgie devient une réelle alternative à la chirurgie ouverte.   Cette intervention est aujourd'hui réalisée quand il y a une inflammation de la vésicule, ou en cas de lithiase, lorsque la vésicule est chargée en calculs. Le temps [...]

Philippe Mouret, l’inventeur lyonnais de la coelioscopie, est mort

Le Dr Philippe Mouret est mort vendredi des suites d'un cancer. Ce Lyonnais de 69 ans, exilé depuis quelques années à cause d'une interdiction d'exercer, avait accepté de rencontrer Lyon Mag il y a quelques mois pour évoquer son incroyable parcours. Il venait en effet de recevoir le fameux prix Honda, 20 ans après avoir [...]

History of Endoscopy: Chapter 23. 1980s

Mouret gained worldwide preeminence in 1987 by performing the first video-assisted laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The effects of this one day reverberated throughout the entire field of surgery, medicine, and beyond. In the aftermath of this revolution, not only had every single discipline of endoscopy been affected, but most astonishingly, the entire field of general surgery was transformed right [...]

Twenty Years of Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: Philippe Mouret—March 17, 1987

On March 17, 1987, Philippe Mouret performed the first laparoscopic cholecystectomy, in Lyon, France. This date represents a profound epistemological leap: “before that, there was nothing, after that there was laparoscopic surgery.” Patients have deserted the waiting rooms of conventional surgeons and crowd into those of the laparoscopic surgeons. Moreover, laparoscopic surgery now forms a fundamental [...]

La chirurgie coelioscopique reconnue

Nous devons la technique de coelioscopie au médecin français Raoul Palmer qui, en 1947, a montré que l'insufflation de gaz carbonique dans l'abdomen permettait de le gonfler pour mieux examiner les organes situés dans la cavité abdominale. Cette méthode de visualisation a été complétée par la fabrication d'instruments longs et de petit diamètre pour réaliser les gestes chirurgicaux au cours de la coelioscopie. [...]

Mouret, Dubois, and Perissat: The Laparoscopic Breakthrough in Europe (1987-1988)

As a general surgeon in the 1960s, Phillipe Mouret (b. 1938) rotated on a gynecology service during which he had his first contact with laparoscopy. “At that time we used the instruments constructed by Palmer,” notes Mouret. “Since then I have brought my interest in that particular endoscopie technique into surgery.” Mouret shared his surgical practice with [...]